A time to cook, celebrate and enjoy one of the most important festivals in Singapore, Chinese New Year is a time where traditional recipes are in focus and festive delights prevail. Chef Yong brings to you a series of modern Chinese flavours with traditional touches for this year’s
CNY cookout.

Fragrant roast pork marinated with wine and fermented red bean curd (nam yee) for flavour, roasted to perfection, served with a tantilising fresh Japanese Soy Bean Salad

A new year must start with having fish in its menu symbolysing plentiful and bountiful harvests. One of Chef Yong’s specialities, check out this lovely recipe of crispy fish filets in sweet and sour sauce with pine nuts.

A simple vegetarian stir fry that harmonises the sweetness of fresh lily bulbs with crunchy lotus roots in a light oyster sauce over crispy fresh egg noodles.
Venue/ Contact /Date /Time
Cairnhill CC /62354315 /14/01/2008 /1930hrs-2200hrs
Please register online where possible.
How to register online:
Website: http://www.pa.gov.sg/
Search the respective CC of your choice.
Click “courses” search via calendar and look for “Gourmet Cooking with Chef Yong”
Check that menu written on Remarks column is the same as this brochure
Make registration from there with confirmation through payment via credit card.
Registration Via Any CC nearest to you:
First please go online via the self use computer stations at the CC u are in to look for the course at the other CC’s website.
Note the course code number below workshop title, it should read C2007xxxx
Over the counter, quote the CC of your choice, date of workshop and course code number to the customer service officer. Payment must be done immediately upon registration or transaction will be void.
Important Notice:
*No Phone reservations allowed.
**Registration online without payment after 3 working days may result in your name being automatically delisted from CC’s attendance list. As such, the CC reserves the right to open up the space to the next participant with confirmation through immediate payment. In the event of a fully booked class, admission will be at the discretion of the CC and Instructor.
**Please always check and bring your printed receipt on the day of workshop in case of any discrepancies that may arise. Only valid receipts will be accepted by CCs.
How to register online:
Website: http://www.pa.gov.sg/
Search the respective CC of your choice.
Click “courses” search via calendar and look for “Gourmet Cooking with Chef Yong”
Check that menu written on Remarks column is the same as this brochure
Make registration from there with confirmation through payment via credit card.
Registration Via Any CC nearest to you:
First please go online via the self use computer stations at the CC u are in to look for the course at the other CC’s website.
Note the course code number below workshop title, it should read C2007xxxx
Over the counter, quote the CC of your choice, date of workshop and course code number to the customer service officer. Payment must be done immediately upon registration or transaction will be void.
Important Notice:
*No Phone reservations allowed.
**Registration online without payment after 3 working days may result in your name being automatically delisted from CC’s attendance list. As such, the CC reserves the right to open up the space to the next participant with confirmation through immediate payment. In the event of a fully booked class, admission will be at the discretion of the CC and Instructor.
**Please always check and bring your printed receipt on the day of workshop in case of any discrepancies that may arise. Only valid receipts will be accepted by CCs.